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19th Meeting of International Society for Serotonin Research

"Serotonin on the Wild Atlantic Way"

University College Cork, Cork, Ireland

July 15-19, 2018


The next International Society for Serotonin Research meeting will be held July 15-19, 2018 at the University College Cork located in Cork, Ireland. The meeting will include 14 symposia in concurrent session format and two special sessions comprised of state of the art research: “The Gut- Brain-Microbiome Axis” and “5-HT Receptor Signaling and Heteromerization” (see synopses and full listing of symposia below). In addition, we will have three oral sessions for our Young Investigator Trainees (i.e., graduate students, postdoctoral fellows), and an evening poster session. We are very pleased to announce that the honorary Irvine Page plenary lecture will be given by Professor Patricia Gaspar (Institute du Fer a Moulin, Paris, France), the honorary Maurice Rapport plenary lecture will given by Professor Mark Geyer (UCSD, San Diego, CA) and the honorary Paul Vanhoutte lecture will be given by Professor Kathryn Cunningham (UTMB, Galveston TX).

Special Session I:


Gut- Brain-Microbiome Axis


S1.Impact of Serotonin at the Microbial & Immune Interface on Gut-Brain Signalling


Chair: John Cryan (University College Cork)


Speakers: Gary Mawe (University of Vermont); Purna  Kashyap (Mayo Clinic); Gerard Clarke (University College Cork)



S2.Serotonin as a Modulator of the Gut-Brain-Microbiome Axis in Depression and other Mental Health Disorders


Chairs: Marc Caron (Duke University School of Medicine) and Michael Gershon (Columbia University Medical Center)


Speakers: Ruth Ann Luna (Texas Children’s Hospital Microbiome Center), Marc Caron (Duke University School of Medicine), Kara Gross Margolis (Columbia University Medical Center)



S3. Serotonin Revisited – New Insights in Disturbed Functions in the Gastrointestinal Tract


Chairs: Beate Niesler (University of Heidelberg) and Nicholas Barnes (University of Birmingham Medical School)


Speakers: Beate Niesler, Michael Gershon (Columbia University) and Nicholas Barnes

Special Session II:


5-HT Receptor Signaling and Heteromerization


S1.Novel Functional Crosstalk and Heteromerization of Serotonin Receptors in Mood and Social Behaviour


Chairs: Harriët Schellekens (University College Cork) and Kjell Fuxe (Karolinska Institutet)


Speakers: Harriët Schellekens, Kjell Fuxe and Dasiel O. Borroto-Escuela (Karolinska Institutet)



S2.Serotonin Receptor Complexes as Key Players in CNS Function


Chair: Javier Gonzalez-Maseo (Virginia Commonwealth University)


Speakers: Javier Gonzalez-Maseo, Noelle Anastasio (Univ Texas Medical Branch), Graeme Milligan (University of Glasgow)



S3. Three Crucial Factors that Underpin 5-HT2CR Function: Location, Location, Location


Chair: Lora Heisler (University of Aberdeen)


Speakers: Lora Heisler, Giusepe Di Giovanni (University of Malta), and Catherine A. Marcinkiewcz (University of Iowa)




 Delineating the Neural Circuits Underlying Serotonin Modulation of Fear and Anxiety


Chair: Anne Andrews (University of California, Los Angeles)


Speakers: Thomas Kash (University North Carolina), Vidita Vaidya (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research), and Anne Andrews




5-HT1F receptor agonists, the new kids on the block for antimigraine treatment


Chair: Antoinette Maassen van den Brink (Erasmus MC)


Speakers: Carlos M. Villalón (Cinvestav-Unidad Sur), Antoinette Maassen van den Brink, and Kirk W. Johnson (Eli Lilly)




Serotonin Transport Proteins in Ecstasy: SERTS and OCTS in a Frenzy


Chairs: Harald H. Sitte (Medical University Vienna) and Lynette C. Daws (Univ Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio)


Speakers: Harald Sitte, Lynette Daws and Michael H. Baumann, (NIH/NIDA)




Lucky 7 (5-HT7 Receptor): New Functions for a (relatively) New Colleague


Chairs: Stephanie W. Watts (Michigan State University) and Carlos M. Villalon (Cinvestav-Unidad Sur)


Speakers: Finn Olav Levy (University of Oslo), Gregory D Fink (Michigan State University), Jasmina Profirovic (St. Louis College of Pharmacy), Larry Jordan (University of Manitoba)




Delving Deep into 5-HT Neurons: Probing Patterns and Regulation of 5-HT Transcriptomes and Translatomes


Chairs: Evan Deneris (Case Western Reserve) and John Neumaier (University of Washington)


Speakers: John Neumaier, Matthew Hodges (Medical College of Wisconsin), and Evan Deneris




Improving Our Understanding of Serotonin in the Neurobiology of Psychosis


Chairs: Kevin C F Fone (University of Nottingham) and Maarten van den Buuse (La Trobe University)


Speakers: Maarten van den Buuse, Adam L Halberstadt (Univ California-San Diego), and Kevin C F Fone




Towards a Multiscale, Multispecies Perspective of Serotonergic Function


Chairs: Trevor Sharp (University of Oxford) and KongFatt Wong-Lin (University of Ulster)


Speakers: Harry Steinbusch (Maastricht University), Jeremiah Cohen (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine), Kae Nakamura (Kansai Medical University), and KongFatt Wong-Lin




Serotonin, Inflammation and Behaviour


Chairs: Jana Haase (UCD Conway Institute) and Randy Blakely (Florida Atlantic University)


Speakers: Randy Blakely, Francisco J. Monje-Quiroga (Medical Univ of VIenna), and Jana Haase




The Role of Serotonin in Synaptic Structure and Plasticity


Chairs: Mark Rasenick (U. Illinois Chicago College of Medicine) and Charles Nichols (LSU Health Sciences Center)


Speakers: Evgeni Ponimaskin (Hannover Medical School), Mark Rasenick, and Charles Nichols




Multilevel Assembly of Serotonin Circuits and Its Impact on Emotional and Motivated Behaviors


Chairs: Mariano Soiza-Reilly (Institut du Fer a Moulin) and Alvaro Garcia-Garcia (New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University)


Speakers: Alexandre Dayer (University of Geneva), Susan Dymecki (Harvard University), and Mark Ansorge (Columbia University)




Serotonin Regulation of Dendritic Spines


Chairs: Nancy Muma (University of Kansas School of Pharmacy) and Siobhain O’Mahoney (University College Cork)


Speakers: Jens Randel Nyengaard (Aarhus University Hospital), Monika Bijata (Hannover Medical School & Nencki Institute), and Massimo Pasqualetti (University of Pisa)




Serotonin and Mental Illness: From Brain Development to Adult Dysfunction


Chairs: Natalia Alenina (Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association) and Michael Bader (Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine)


Speakers: Sharon Kolk (Radboud University), Francesca Calabrese (University of Milan), and Natalia Alenina




Feedback Control of Serotonin in Behavior and Antidepressant Response


Chair: Kathryn Commons (Children’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School)


Speakers: Paul Albert (University of Ottawa), E. David Leonardo (Columbia University), Katherine Nautiyal (Columbia University & Dartmouth College)




Serotonin and Autism Spectrum Disorder: Hypersertonemia and Beyond


Chair: Marcello Leopoldo (University of Bari Aldo Moro)


Speakers: Jeremy Veenstra-Vandervele (New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University), Michael A. Ragozzino (University of Illinois at Chicago), and Marcello Leopoldo


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